- Heels are always great.It doesn't matter if you're wearing a ball gown or jeans and a hoodie. Heels look great with any outfit.
- The old “pick one” doesn't matter anymore.I'm sure that everyone that loves makeup has been told at least once to pick only feature to focus on. But a smoky eye, great contour and highlight, and a bright red lip look wonderful together.
- Skinny jeans aren't the only jeans.You can wear any kind of jean, and still create a great look. I only saw about 50% of the girls I saw there were wearing skinny jeans.
- Age doesn't matter.Who says a 80 year old woman can't have purple hair? Who says a five year old can't wear band shirts? If you love it, wear it no matter how old you are.
- All colors are for all year.I've never understood the point behind the rules for wearing white. White is the color of snow, do feel free to go camo and wear white during winter.
- Go easy on the eyeliner.The thick black eyeliner look is starting to come back, and I think that's wonderful. But be careful! Well you can use makeup to draw attention to many of your facial features, too much eyeliner can really draw away from the rest of your makeup.
- Don't be afraid to use a jacket.Some people seem to be afraid to cover up their outfit with a jacket or a coat, but it can actually add a lot to the look.
- Show off your natural beauty.Curly, straight, skinny, curvy... you were born with it, so why try to hide it? Don't hide behind hair irons and baggy clothes, show off what your have and people will love it! Only change for your own fun.
- The subtle art of jewelry.Jewelry is great, but not so much jewelry you blind everyone around you. Put on whatever you want, and then spin around in front of a mirror. Anything that catches your eye need to come off.
- No one cares.I saw people there with ball gowns, I saw people in jeans, I saw people in sweats. If you love clothing, hair, makeup, or all three, you go for it. But if you don't like it, don't bother! No one will think less of you, I promise.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Ten Things I Learned in NYC
Monday, September 12, 2016
Spa Day Ideas
Hey guys, Ruth Anna here! I love spa
days, So here are a few of my favorite ideas.
Start by making some treats! You'll
want to get to your face masks and nail polish as soon as you can, so
here's a fast and easy recipe for cookies, and they're also mush
healthier than normal spa day treats!
- 1 cup peanut butter
- ¾ cup sugar
- 1 egg
. Mix the peanut butter and sugar together in a large bowl .
- Mix the egg in a small bowl and add to the peanut mix.
- Different peanut butter brands have different levels of oil, so it the mix is looking too wet add in a couple more spoonfuls of sugar or a different peanut butter with less oil.
- Roll the dough into balls and put them on a cookie sheet. They spread out a lot in the oven, so give them space! Flatten the dough out with a fork.
- Heat the oven to 350o and put the cookies in. Cook them until they get evenly brown. Watch them as they cook because they burn easily. Mine take around 10 minutes.
- Let cook and enjoy!
masks from the store can be pretty expensive! So here are a couple
DIY face masks you can make at home.
Green Tea Face Mask:
This one isn't really your typical face mask, but it
still works really well!
- A washcloth
- Two green tea packets
- a cup
- water
- Boil about a cup of water. If you can't boil the water just stick a microwave cup full of water in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until it gets hot.
- Stick in the two green tea packets and let it sit for 5 minutes.
- Throw away the packets. Put your washcloth into the tea and let it soak for 5 minutes. Green tea doesn't stain, but use a old washcloth if you want to be safe.
- Rub the washcloth gently on your face. Again, I rub carefully for 5 minutes, but you can do it for whatever amount of time. Green tea helps shrink pours and brightens your face.
Aloe Vera Face Mask:
You'll need:
- Aloe Vera
- This face mask is insanely simple. All you need to do is use your fingers or a makeup sponge to spread the aloe all over your face. When I use this face mask I normally leave it on all night, but you can also wash it off after 10-15 minutes.
- Hold ice to any parts of your face that are broken out to shrink your pours.
Exfoliating Scrub-
When I make this I
normally make enough to use for a while, but you can also make enough
for one time. The recipe is simple.
You'll Need:
- Sugar
- Coconut Oil
- Peppermint extract
- Soften, but don't melt the coconut oil.
- Mix the oil and the sugar together,
- Add in drops of peppermint oil until you get the scent you want.
- Rub it on your skin gently.
- Moisturizer is a beautiful thing... But not for all skin types! Check any moisturizer or face scrub you use to make sure it's OK for your skin.
Your feet are hard to take care of in the fall/winter time. Here are
a couple foot soak ideas to keep them nice!
Mouthwash Rinse:
Mouthwash is not something you think to use on your feet, but it's
actually great for them!
You'll Need:
- I cup mouthwash
- Basin
- Water
- Fill your basin with hot water. You can get big and cheap plastic bowls at the dollar store to use for this.
- Pour a cup of mouthwash into the water. Give the mix 5-10 minutes to mix and cool down to the right temperature.
- Soak your feet until the water gets cold.
Rose Rinse:
Rose's are beautiful, and they're also great for your skin!
You'll Need:
- 1 tablespoon powdered milk
- 2 tablespoons unmade oatmeal
- Dried roses
- Basin of water
- Mix the powdered milk and oatmeal together.
- Break up as many roses as you want into small pieces and add them into the mix. The more roses you add, the stronger the smell will be.
- Add the mix to the hot water and let your feet soak.
Bath Bomb Rinse:
- You can break up old bath bombs into hot water in a basin and use it as a foot soak.
- After you're done with your rinses, lotion your feet really well and put on a pair of fuzzy socks for the rest of your spa day.
Honey hair mask:
Hair can get broken and damaged by too much product and heat. So
here's a all natural hair mask that will help repair your hair. The
amount of honey and cinnamon should always be a 1:2 ratio, so you can
make as much as you want as your hair gets longer and thicker.
You'll Need:
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- A towel
- Mix the honey and cinnamon together and slather all over your hair.
- Wrap your hair into a towel to stop the mask from going everywhere.
- Let sit for 15 minutes. Wash your hair well.
Other Ideas:
- Use eye pads and nose strips
- Do a mani and pedi.
- Put the hair mask on your face! It works just as well as a face mask.
- Put cucumbers all over your face, or blend a cucumber to make a face mask.
- Take a nap with a face mask on.
- Put on a movie or some music.
- Invite some friends over for your spa day!
Things to take
note of:
- Don't put anything on your face you're allergic to. You can even do a patch test the day before by putting a bit of each product on your arm and letting it sit for a day. Don't use the mix if you get a bad reaction on your arm.
- More than one or two masks on can just make your skin worse. Don't overdo it!
Have you guys used any of these spa day ideas, or are you planning to
anytime soon? Let us know in the comments! And if you have any other
spa day ideas, or any blogs posts you want to see, put that in the
comments too!
Friday, September 2, 2016
Emma's Health Ideas
I think being healthy is a very important part in beauty and can give you a real vibrance that is hard to get any other place. I've been on a health kick for a little less than a week and as I'm going, I've been doing excersize and eating healthy food. But I've really been craving something like cake or sweet bread (in this short amount of time, yes. Probably since I've been binge watching The Great British Baking Show waay too much this week). Even though I don't like bananas, this gluten free, sugar free banana bread recipe was fantastic and super healthy and kept my cravings down without cheating. Usually gluten free isn't the way I'd go. Just use normal flour. But when the pantry is running low, sometimes you've got to MacGiver it and use rice flour. Usually rice flour gives the batter a grainy consistancy that is really thick and close. But this had a really great texture and wasn't too grainy. Best part is, it didn't taste any different than normal banana bread. Will definitely be making this in the future (would've put a picture but it was gone super quickly :D). The recipe is at the bottom of this post.
So like I said, I've been trying to get in shape. But it's hard to get protein without having too much fatty, bready foods. Here's a menu to give you ideas, this is basically what I've had every day but with alterations to flavours and stuff like that.
Smoothy with frozen berries, spinach (can't even taste it and gives great nutrition), coconut milk, cottage cheese (make sure to blend this in really well. This is your protein) or cream cheese for protein count as well. (if you usually had cereal for breakfast, a great counteract to that is homeade granola. Just toss some oats, maple syrup and cinnamon together, bake until crisp at 350 degrees, cool and add dried fruit--serve with either cows milk or coconut milk, tastes great)
Grilled chicken breast cut up over a salad
Chopped almonds and dried fruit
BBQ meat with iceberg wedge salad sprinkled with feta and sliced, dried apricots (wedge salad is just cutting the iceberg head in half, then that half into fourths and just eating it in a big chunk).
I'd love to hear any excersizing tips as well. The best one I've gotten so far was--make a playlist of songs that you aren't allowed to listen to except when you're excersing. Any other tips? Meals?
Thanks for reading, stay classic and see you next time :).
*Gluten free, sugar free banana bread*
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about four--best if previously frozen and then defrosted)
2 tablespoons of natural maple syrup (the legit stuff)
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
1-1/4 cup rice flour
1/4 cup chopped nuts
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup melted butter
Add bananas, sugar, and vanilla in medium bowl. Add eggs and mix well. In a large bowl. mix rice flour, nuts, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add banana mixture alternating with oil and mix at low speed in an electric mixer, or by hand till combined. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Cool 5 minutes before removing from pan.
This makes one medium size loaf. Serve warm with butter or cream cheese. (can be used for a breakfast or just late night munchies.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Busy Beauty
Hey guys, Ruth Anna here, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm
super busy this year. I mean, I'm writing this blog post in my free
writing time for school. I have school, theater, social stuff... It's
busy. I well I can go out without makeup on, I don't really want to.
Makeup is fun! So here are 5 beauty tips for busy days.
- Invest in brushes. And that doesn't mean that you have to spend $40 on a brush. I personally spend $13 on a set of artist's brushes at Hobby Lobby that work just as well. I just mean that it can make a hugs difference when you don't have to worry about two eye shadows mixing on the brush or a streaky crease.
- Do as much as you can in the car. Obviously this one isn't for those who drive! And I'm not telling you to try and do liquid eyeliner in the car without a mirror well you're moving. But you can do lipstick or brush your hair. If you trust yourself enough you can even put on blush or bronzer. To be honest, I barely ever put on shoes before I go out to the car anymore. It takes much less time to put them on in the car.
- Give yourself an hour. I almost always have a bit of time on Saturday or Sunday where I don't have anything to do. I'm not going to lie, I normally spend that time reading or watching a movie. But well I'm watching a movie I paint my nails, or a put on a face mask well I read. I don't paint my nails every day, I take once or twice a week to really take some time on my nails, skin, and hair.
- Plan your outfits and put them somewhere easy to get to. This kind of ties into point 2 and point 4. In the time you give yourself, also plan your outfits and makeup for the next day or week. Write down what you want, or even better put all your stuff together. Then put everything where you can get to it in the morning well you're still half asleep. If you can get into your closet easily, that's great. I can't. So I take out my clothes and put them on my vanity along with my makeup bag.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Another outfit and Food
Hey everyone, how'd you're first day of school go? It's Emma, and I have one more food in lunches thing.
Alright. Food. There's one very very important thing I forgot to mention.
In your lunch, PACK ENOUGH OF IT! And I don't mean pack tons of bread and crackers. That's not protein. If you don't want to get home dizzy, almost puking, have a lot of protein. You know your balance, but after the summer, you start to forget how much to put in and what is something extra.
Don't worry about extras. Here are some ways to add extra protein in without being overly zealous.
1. If you pack a wrap or a sandwich, put in extra of the good stuff. More peanut butter than jelly, a little bit more chicken in a wrap, just make sure you have lots of protein.
2. Add more nuts to your trail mix.
3. If your school is nut free, pack an avocado. It's may seem like a vegetable (or fruit, whatever), but it has the highest protein of all vegetables (or fruits, whatever).
4. High protein foods are simple to add into your meals/snacks. Cheese sticks, peanut butter, yogurt, eggs (especially the whites), nuts and seeds (even watermelon seeds!), lentils, quinoa, they're all things that have a lot of protein that are easy to sub in for other things. Think avocado, cheese, nuts and seeds can all be put on a salad. Apples can be paired with peanut butter, mix either lentils or quinoa with chicken, tomatoes, cucumber, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper is amazing.
Here's the outfit for this post. I think it's really cute :D
Alright. Food. There's one very very important thing I forgot to mention.
In your lunch, PACK ENOUGH OF IT! And I don't mean pack tons of bread and crackers. That's not protein. If you don't want to get home dizzy, almost puking, have a lot of protein. You know your balance, but after the summer, you start to forget how much to put in and what is something extra.
Don't worry about extras. Here are some ways to add extra protein in without being overly zealous.
1. If you pack a wrap or a sandwich, put in extra of the good stuff. More peanut butter than jelly, a little bit more chicken in a wrap, just make sure you have lots of protein.
2. Add more nuts to your trail mix.
3. If your school is nut free, pack an avocado. It's may seem like a vegetable (or fruit, whatever), but it has the highest protein of all vegetables (or fruits, whatever).
4. High protein foods are simple to add into your meals/snacks. Cheese sticks, peanut butter, yogurt, eggs (especially the whites), nuts and seeds (even watermelon seeds!), lentils, quinoa, they're all things that have a lot of protein that are easy to sub in for other things. Think avocado, cheese, nuts and seeds can all be put on a salad. Apples can be paired with peanut butter, mix either lentils or quinoa with chicken, tomatoes, cucumber, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper is amazing.
Here's the outfit for this post. I think it's really cute :D
Remember that whatever you have in your closet is better than going and buying all new things. So look at these things. They're all very basic, but when paired, they are an adorable outfit. You probably have most of these components already.
(Oh and quick cheating tip, you're thinking, $40... I don't know about those boots. They're not gonna fit a very long time. Super cheap, almost identical, knock off version of the boots can be found at Rue21 [thank your lucky stars this store exists] for a little cheaper. Hit the boot sale at Rue right around the end of winter, they're on sale that time of year. I got a pair for $8 :D. TJ maxx also has the boots for cheaper if you're lucky enough to find them when you go:)
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Start for the School Year: Keeping it Beautiful and First Day Outfits
Hey everyone it's Emma. Below are some tips on staying fit over the school year. Sometimes it's hard to fall into the habit of packing lunches that are less than healthy and snacks that are even worse. And when you get home from school, you're worn out and tired. How are you going to get in your exercise in if you're leaving early and getting back late?
1. Lunch packing is a huge pain. Even if you don't have any dieting restrictions (either medical or self induced). What do you pack if the only thing that you can find is a hot pocket and leftover pizza? Try this. Have three parts to your lunch. First the side. Pack something like sweet potato chips from Trader Joes, veggie straws, apple slices, something snacky. Then the main bit. Take a head of iceberg lettuce and peel one big leaf off. Fill that with chicken salad or something of your own concoction. Bake a sweet potato at home, a salad with nuts and cheese, chicken breast cut into slices etc. Whatever you take, make sure that it's full of protein so you're not starving throughout the rest of the day. Then the last thing you want is something like a fruit. Apples, oranges, bananas (which are my personal hatred but that's just me) or blueberries.
2. Snacking throughout the day is tough as well. In between periods you will probably want something. I'm planning on keeping snacks in my locker that are non perishable like granola bars, dried fruit with almonds, stuff like that. So when you feel hungry it's like your fridge away from home.
3. Take a jog around the campus, or if you don't want to get sweaty before your next class, just take a walk to get your blood moving.
Hope this helps you get ideas.
First day impressions are the worry for every girl. Should you dress it up? Down? Bright or should you do something simple?
Go with your style. Whatever you're comfortable wearing, wear that. Here are two adorable outfits I put together that are really cute and each have a different style. One is more casual, the other less. :) Please comment on what you plan on wearing :D
1. Lunch packing is a huge pain. Even if you don't have any dieting restrictions (either medical or self induced). What do you pack if the only thing that you can find is a hot pocket and leftover pizza? Try this. Have three parts to your lunch. First the side. Pack something like sweet potato chips from Trader Joes, veggie straws, apple slices, something snacky. Then the main bit. Take a head of iceberg lettuce and peel one big leaf off. Fill that with chicken salad or something of your own concoction. Bake a sweet potato at home, a salad with nuts and cheese, chicken breast cut into slices etc. Whatever you take, make sure that it's full of protein so you're not starving throughout the rest of the day. Then the last thing you want is something like a fruit. Apples, oranges, bananas (which are my personal hatred but that's just me) or blueberries.
2. Snacking throughout the day is tough as well. In between periods you will probably want something. I'm planning on keeping snacks in my locker that are non perishable like granola bars, dried fruit with almonds, stuff like that. So when you feel hungry it's like your fridge away from home.
3. Take a jog around the campus, or if you don't want to get sweaty before your next class, just take a walk to get your blood moving.
Hope this helps you get ideas.
First day impressions are the worry for every girl. Should you dress it up? Down? Bright or should you do something simple?
Go with your style. Whatever you're comfortable wearing, wear that. Here are two adorable outfits I put together that are really cute and each have a different style. One is more casual, the other less. :) Please comment on what you plan on wearing :D
Monday, August 15, 2016
Travel Makeup
First off, my blogger account is being weird, and for some reason it won't let anyone subscribe to any of my blogs... I'm trying to fix it, but well I'm working on it, could you leave a comment down below if you're reading our blog and plan to subscribe once I have it all worked out? We would love to see how many people are reading this blog! Thanks guys! And of course, if anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know!
I went to Boston this last week, and
of course I had to look all over Pinterest for the most random beauty
hacks ever. And I actually found some great ones that worked really
well for me! I also found/created a lot well I was on my trip.
- It was so hot in Boston, and I became I sweaty mess. I found myself using tons of powder on my face, and that's really not good for your skin. It also made me look really pale! So I finally kinda got in on the trend of baking my face. Baking your face is using powder, but only in certain places on you face. I start by putting on my concealer (Wet and Wild) under my eyes, on the corners of my nose, and on all the other places I need it. Then I take a contour brush (Cover FX) and really pack on translucent powder (Hard Candy) under my eyes, on my chin, on my forehead, and down my nose. I then do my eye makeup well the powder sits on my face. After 5-10 minutes I brush the extra powder around my face with a fluffy brush (Ben Nye). This makes the powder stay for much longer.
- I spend way too much money on makeup for it to break in my bag. So I took my compacts and put cotton balls on top of the product. Then if my suitcase gets thrown around, the cotton will pad the makeup and not let it break.
- On my trip I brought a concealer (Wet and Wild), a regular eye shadow primer (Hard Candy), and a shimmer eye shadow primer (Wet and Wild). I actually only used the concealer well the two eye shadow primers just sat in my makeup bag taking up space. See what you can use in two different ways. I used the extra concealer I picked up as an eye shadow primer.
- This one seems obvious, but it actually isn't to a lot of people. Bring travel size beauty products! And that doesn't mean that you have to spend a ton of money on a travel size shampoo or something. You can pick up empty travel size bottles at the dollar store or really cheaply at Walmart or Walgreens and fill it up with one of the shampoos you already have. You can also bring travel size makeup. I always watch for a deal at makeup stores like Sephora and Ulta that gives you a travel size product as a sample with the full size product you buy. Lines like Urban Decay and Too Faced or stores like Sephora and Ulta have free samples with any order at checkout.
- Don't bring your most expensive or favorite makeup. I didn't want my $50 eye shadow to break on the plane, so instead I brought a travel size sample from Clinique that I got for free. I mostly brought drugstore makeup that I don't wear every day and that can be replaced easily and cheaply. Things can be broken easily or your luggage can be lost.
- If you forget your makeup bag, or something breaks, there are makeup stores in airports. In two of the airports I was at I found a full size M.A.C store, and I found a bunch of Benefit Cosmetics vending machines in the airports I was at, and those vending machines were probably the best thing that happened to me during the whole trip :) ! There of course will also be a Walmart or a Ulta wherever you're going, but if you need a touch up well you're on the plane, don't panic!Does anyone else have any travel beauty hacks? Leave them in the comments section! I hope to have some pictures up of some awesome vintage looking stuff I found and makeup vending machines sometime in the next week.
Monday, July 25, 2016
I have a couple staples. There are exactly three ways to either make, break or carry an outfit or look to a higher potential. Sure that could be a basic navy cami and jeans. But add any one of these staples and you can bring your look to a new level. These can be used for all seasons.
But first let me introduce you to my two bea-utiful models. First is my younger sister Ab, and second is my fashion assistant Carol (who will be in most future clothing posts :D).
So my essentials. First off is my hat. It's my favorite one. You can buy this one for $16 at Rue21. Perfect to spruce up any outfit and perfect for fall days as an accent, or to keep off the sun in the summer (I've used it for tanning to keep the sun out of my face and it doesn't get too hot). I've worn this hat many times because it's durable for all seasons. It can be either dressed up or down, a tshirt and jeans or styled up with a gray sweater shirt (sleeves rolled up), a bright pink sun dress and either pearls or a chunky black, floral necklace.
My next staple is this adorable cardigan pullover. I found this one at TJmax for $13 and it really boosts up any outfit, and looks super cute with a navy blue dress and sandals. It's so lightweight that it can be worn in the summer on those breezy days that aren't so sweltering. This light jacket is able to make any outfit shine just that much more and bring a very classy, layered look. As you can see, the pink dress used in each picture has two very different looks, both super stylish.
Third staple isn't exactly clothes. It's actually mascara. Covergirl Bombshell Curvaceous. I found this one at that classy store we all know as King Soopers (yup). It's $10 there or at Walgreen's you can find it for about $12. It's very worth it and comes in a 20mL bottle which should last for a long time and is waterproof so it won't melt off in the pool. One end curls and the other boosts and gives off a really nice look when paired with shimmery eyeshadow and winged eyeliner.
There are my three staples. Just that one pink dress can have two completely different looks. Pair either outfit with your favorite pumps or heels to alter the style even more. Look in your closet to find look-a-likes for the clothes and put a picture of them in the comments so I can see your altered style in action. If you have suggestions or questions, put them in the comments :). Have a very fashionable week and if there's anything specific you'd like to see, I'd love to hear from you and get ideas for future posts. Stay classic everyone and see you next time!
-Ruth Anna-
So I tend to buy my staples on the more expensive side. I figure that my staples are things that I will wear at least once a week and that I don't want to wear out quickly. So I'll show you the staples I have and give you the price, but I'll also try to find a less expensive option if you don't think the same way as me.
What I do is I try to find a staple in each of these three categories. Clothing, Jewelry, and Makeup. I didn't have the time to do my own photo shoot, but here's the stock photos for all but my earrings.
Mine is a white shirt from Holster. I got it for $20 and I love it. I can wear it with almost anything, Jeans, Shorts, a tank top cardigan, a real cardigan, a colorful cami underneath... It's a plain color, so it doesn't distract from the other things that I'm wearing if I want to draw attention to colorful shoes or a piece of jewelry. The lace up top also gives it the chic look that I'm totally into. That way I can dress it down for an every day outing with shorts, or dress it up for something special with a cardigan and jeans.
I also have a black lace up shirt from Rue21 for $10. I don't wear it quite as often, but I still love it.
My piece is a pair of silver vintage earrings that I got at a antique store for $3. I can't give you the link to these of course, and I wouldn't recommend buying earrings from a antique store, But the closest that I could find was these from J.C Pennys for $11 . I'm not a huge fan of gold, so I really love these earrings. Plus I'm a huge fan of anything vintage, so these are perfect for me! I wear them at least twice a week. I wear them as my statement piece and I work my whole outfit around wearing them.
Right now my staple is my Naked2 pallet from Urban Decay, even though I only got it a few days ago. It was $54, which is insane I know, but it was totally worth it. They blend so well, and I can do almost any neutral look with them. I am a huge fan of eye shadow, and I think that it's the major thing you can use to change up your look every day.
This pallet is extremely expensive, so I wouldn't recommend buying it if you don't wear eye shadow much or if you're just beginning makeup. I've heard that Maybelline The Nudes is the same for $10, and I love the NYX Wicked Dreams pallet for $15
Thank you guys for
reading this super long post! Comment any other posts you want to
see, and don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more posts like
this one weekly! <3
Friday, July 22, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Kandee Johnson Beauty Box

Kandee Johnson curated the last BeautyCon Box, and decided that I needed it desperately. I don't know if I'm going to get another box, but I really liked this one. Sadly, the box is sold out, but all of the products in the box are sold other places. I loved all of the products in this box, and you all should really try them out.
The box was $29 without shipping and handling, and $36 with.
Benzac Acne Solutions- Blemish Clearing Hydrator:
This is pretty good stuff. It seems like a normal face wash. My only problem with this is that the side of the box was smashed in and the pump didn't work. Other than that it seems to work pretty well and I would but it again.
Price: $7.50
Cover FX Contour Brush-
I really love this brush. It's super easy to clean, and it's amazingly soft. It also has two sides, a large brush, and a small pointed brush. I totally love this brush, and I would buy it again, I have no issues with it.
Price: $38
Garnier SkinActive Clearly Brighter Daily Moisturizer-
This stuff isn't as good as the Clinique moisturizer that I normally use, but it's pretty good for something that isn't nearly as expensive. My face can get really dry, and it hasn't using this moisturizer. I probably will buy this stuff again instead of Clinique because it does the job and it's not as pricey.
Price: $11.65
La Fresh Beauty and Personal Care Wipe:
I only got one of these so I haven't tried it yet.
Price: $11
Neutrogena Ultra Light Cleansing Oil-
This is the favorite skin care product I got. I love it so much! It is super light, so it wont stick on my face and make my skin all oily. It takes everything off, makeup, dirt... you name it, it comes off. I will totally buy this again once I need it, but it's going to last me a while because there's so much.
Price: $8
NYX Ombre Lip Duo in Peaches and Cream-
I do like this even though it's not the color I would choose. It has a little bit of orange to it, and that sounds a bit weird, but it blends into the red lip liner that comes with it. I will probably buy this again, but in a different color tat matches better with my skin. Right now I'm waiting to use it until I go on vacation this summer so I can use it on airplanes and stuff and not have to wear much makeup.
Price: $12
NYX Jumbo eye pencil in Cashmere-
I really like this. The color is amazing because it's so light that I can wear it during the summer without it melting off my face or creasing because of the heat. My only problem with it is that even though it's full size, it doesn't have much product.
Price: $4.50
Redken Fashion Waves Sea Salt Spray-
I haven't tried this much yet because I've been waaaaay too lazy to curl my hair. But the couple times I have, this has been a great product. I will probably not buy this again just because I don't curl my hair, but I am super happy with it though. It smells amazing.
Price: $19
Seventeen The Edit By Seventeen Promo Card-
I haven't used this one yet either just because the clothing line doesn't even launch until July.
Smashbox Brow Tech Shaping Powder in Taupe-
I adore this stuff. I haven't ever really filled in my eyebrows before just because it normally looks like I caterpillars on my forehead, but I have for the last few days because of this stuff. It's like a powder instead of a pencil, and it makes it look really natural and not at all like caterpillars.
Price: $25
Too Faced Waterproof Mascara:
This is the stuff that made me buy the box. I've really wanted to try this stuff ever since it came out, and it totally lived up to my expectations. It goes on really well and it stays on. Again, I'm super excited to use this for vacation so it won't melt off my face. I will totally buy this again, it was my favorite item in the box.
Price: $23
VersaSpa Face Moisturizing Gradual Face Tanner-
Again, I haven't tried it. I don't want my face to by orange.
Price: $21
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Hey everyone it's Em. So for most posts I am going to do outfits from my own closet or deals/ideas/tips to make your closet more versatile for you. I'll get to that. But I'd like to start with some of my designs to show you how I do mine as either a "gonna create this someday" or a planning for something I could actually be on the lookout for materials or items I can use (sweaters, scarves, etc.) to recreate the look.

I usually start with my drawing model. Start with just drawing out the form itself. Even the whole leg with the knee joints. Draw lightly because you will likely erase a lot of what you put down as a start. Then when you decide the kind of material. How does it react? Depending on the weight, it will flow in certain ways. Then accents and details come last i.e the patterns on the clothes or shoes and jewelry.

Then go shopping! Look for jewelry and accents, shirts paired with jackets, jeans/shorts--anything. Often times you won't be able to create the design because you need certain materials. But don't underestimate the amount of clothes that you have in your closet already. I've cut up a sweater shirt and paired it with a cute dress and some jewelry to create a brand new outfit that looked nothing like the original. My next post will have actual outfits, but I encourage you to be creative and try some combinations in your closet that you've never paired before. Some times when I have nothing to wear, I close my eyes, reach my hands through my clothes, grab two things and then pair them together. Most of the time it turns out really well. So yea, be creative and whatever you wear, be confident. Could be a stupid outfit but if you look like you know it looks good, people will see it that way too.
See you next week and tell me if you'd like to see anything different/new in the comments. :)
I usually start with my drawing model. Start with just drawing out the form itself. Even the whole leg with the knee joints. Draw lightly because you will likely erase a lot of what you put down as a start. Then when you decide the kind of material. How does it react? Depending on the weight, it will flow in certain ways. Then accents and details come last i.e the patterns on the clothes or shoes and jewelry.
Then go shopping! Look for jewelry and accents, shirts paired with jackets, jeans/shorts--anything. Often times you won't be able to create the design because you need certain materials. But don't underestimate the amount of clothes that you have in your closet already. I've cut up a sweater shirt and paired it with a cute dress and some jewelry to create a brand new outfit that looked nothing like the original. My next post will have actual outfits, but I encourage you to be creative and try some combinations in your closet that you've never paired before. Some times when I have nothing to wear, I close my eyes, reach my hands through my clothes, grab two things and then pair them together. Most of the time it turns out really well. So yea, be creative and whatever you wear, be confident. Could be a stupid outfit but if you look like you know it looks good, people will see it that way too.
See you next week and tell me if you'd like to see anything different/new in the comments. :)
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Dollar Tree beauty haul
Ruth Anna
Normally I'm not a huge fan of Dollar Tree makeup. It normally rubs off super quickly and irritates my skin. But for some reason this last month, Dollar Tree has had some pretty good stuff! It's mostly all still drugstore makeup, but it's on the higher end of drugstore makeup if you know what I mean.
I don't think anything that I got today is from their usual brands, LA Colors and Sassy + Chic, except the makeup sponges, makeup wipes, and possibly the hand sanitizer. All the rest of it is from brands I hadn't seen at a Dollar Store before today.
I went it to get the Milani gel powder eye shadow and a tray for cleaning makeup sponges. $2. I can out with one eye shadow, no tray because I forgot to look for it, and a bunch of other random junk. $13. That happens when I walk into a dollar store.
None of this stuff is the best, I mean, it's dollar store, but a couple things I probably would go back to buy again.
Lotion and other
Travel Size Hand Sanitizer: 5 out of 10 stars. I like the texture, and it seems to do what it says it does, clean your hands. The big downside though it the smell. It doesn't have much of the three smells it's supposed to be, and it smells a lot like alcohol.
Price elsewhere: I don't know. It doesn't have a brand name, so this might just be at the Dollar Tree.
BODY RAVES passion fruit kiss hand and body lotion: 7 out of 10 stars. This has a really great smell, and it doesn't dry out my hands. It also dries quickly. Only downside is how liquid this stuff is. It can get all over the place.
Price elsewhere: $5 on Amazon
BODY RAVES violet lily hand and body lotion: 6 out of 10 stars. This stuff is pretty much the same as the other BODY RAVES lotion I got, but the smell isn't as strong, barely there at all.
Price elsewhere: $5 on Amazon
Restore + Condition Hot Oil Treatment- I haven't actually used this yet, so I don't know how it is! Let me know if you want me to tell you how I liked it after I try it.
Price elsewhere- $3 on EBay
Secret Color headband hair extensions: 8 out of 10 stars. I was really excited to find this at the Dollar Tree because I've wanted to try it, but I didn't feel like spending a ton of money on it. I really like it! It takes a bit to get used to, and you have to try many different ways before you make it work, but it looks wonderful, and you can use heated styling tools on it.
Price Elsewhere: The cheapest I could find it was $6 on Amazon, but I've always seen it at Walmart for $12.
Make Up Remover Wipes: 10 out of 10 stars. You would think it would be really hard to find a bad make up remover, but it actually really is. This one takes off all of my makeup, and it doesn't make me break out. It also has 40 wipes, which is more that all the brand name wipes at the Dollar Tree.
Price elsewhere: This is only at the Dollar Tree.
Sassy + Chic Cosmetic Wedges: 9 out of 10 stars. I really like these. They mostly match up to the more expensive ones I've bought like Sally Girl and Ben Nye. These blend and apply really well. The only downside is they crumble if you use one too much.
Price elsewhere: $6.50 on Amazon
ChapIce lip treatment petroleum in Rosy: 6 out of 10 stars. All this really is is cheap Vaseline. Not super memorable, but not bad. It comes in a cute tiny container and has a cool color.
Price elsewhere: $6.70 on Amazon
Blistex Raspberry Lemonade Blast: 10 out of 10 stars. I love this chapstick! It has an amazing smell, and it's super moisturizing. It's a SPF of 15l which is totally great. It also is a clear color, so I can wear it under other drying lipsticks and glosses without changing the color of the other product. I can't think of anything wrong with this, I would go back and buy this again for sure.
Price elsewhere: $1.70 at Walgreens
Wet and Wild eyeliner in Cool Green: 6 out of 10 stars. I got this eyeliner because even though it says that it's green, its more of a mint color, and I love mint lately. It was also only $0.50 because it came in a two pack with a brown eyeliner. It goes on pretty smoothly, but it has a metallic sheen to it which I don't really like. I'm more of a matte person.
Price elsewhere: $4 on Amazon
MILANI crystal lip gloss: 8 out of 10 stars. I got four of these. These glosses legit smell like Butterscotch. It's super amazing, I love it. Again though, I'm a matte person, and these are very shiny. They also have glitter, which makes them hard to wear. The pigment though is amazing, and I just can't get over the awesome butterscotch smell.
Price elsewhere: $6 on Amazon
MILANI Bella Eyes Gel Powder Eyeshadow in Bella Cobalt: 7 out of 10 stars. The thing I went into the store for. I really like it. I would have wanted a darker or more neutral color, but the only thing left was blue. Shows you how many other people went in there for the same thing! The pigment is really nice, and it spreads well. A little glittery for my taste though.
Price elsewhere: $5 on milanicosmetics.com
My Price- $13
Original Price- $50.90
Normally I'm not a huge fan of Dollar Tree makeup. It normally rubs off super quickly and irritates my skin. But for some reason this last month, Dollar Tree has had some pretty good stuff! It's mostly all still drugstore makeup, but it's on the higher end of drugstore makeup if you know what I mean.
I don't think anything that I got today is from their usual brands, LA Colors and Sassy + Chic, except the makeup sponges, makeup wipes, and possibly the hand sanitizer. All the rest of it is from brands I hadn't seen at a Dollar Store before today.
I went it to get the Milani gel powder eye shadow and a tray for cleaning makeup sponges. $2. I can out with one eye shadow, no tray because I forgot to look for it, and a bunch of other random junk. $13. That happens when I walk into a dollar store.
None of this stuff is the best, I mean, it's dollar store, but a couple things I probably would go back to buy again.
Lotion and other
Travel Size Hand Sanitizer: 5 out of 10 stars. I like the texture, and it seems to do what it says it does, clean your hands. The big downside though it the smell. It doesn't have much of the three smells it's supposed to be, and it smells a lot like alcohol.
Price elsewhere: I don't know. It doesn't have a brand name, so this might just be at the Dollar Tree.
BODY RAVES passion fruit kiss hand and body lotion: 7 out of 10 stars. This has a really great smell, and it doesn't dry out my hands. It also dries quickly. Only downside is how liquid this stuff is. It can get all over the place.
Price elsewhere: $5 on Amazon
BODY RAVES violet lily hand and body lotion: 6 out of 10 stars. This stuff is pretty much the same as the other BODY RAVES lotion I got, but the smell isn't as strong, barely there at all.
Price elsewhere: $5 on Amazon
Restore + Condition Hot Oil Treatment- I haven't actually used this yet, so I don't know how it is! Let me know if you want me to tell you how I liked it after I try it.
Price elsewhere- $3 on EBay
Secret Color headband hair extensions: 8 out of 10 stars. I was really excited to find this at the Dollar Tree because I've wanted to try it, but I didn't feel like spending a ton of money on it. I really like it! It takes a bit to get used to, and you have to try many different ways before you make it work, but it looks wonderful, and you can use heated styling tools on it.
Price Elsewhere: The cheapest I could find it was $6 on Amazon, but I've always seen it at Walmart for $12.
Make Up Remover Wipes: 10 out of 10 stars. You would think it would be really hard to find a bad make up remover, but it actually really is. This one takes off all of my makeup, and it doesn't make me break out. It also has 40 wipes, which is more that all the brand name wipes at the Dollar Tree.
Price elsewhere: This is only at the Dollar Tree.
Sassy + Chic Cosmetic Wedges: 9 out of 10 stars. I really like these. They mostly match up to the more expensive ones I've bought like Sally Girl and Ben Nye. These blend and apply really well. The only downside is they crumble if you use one too much.
Price elsewhere: $6.50 on Amazon
ChapIce lip treatment petroleum in Rosy: 6 out of 10 stars. All this really is is cheap Vaseline. Not super memorable, but not bad. It comes in a cute tiny container and has a cool color.
Price elsewhere: $6.70 on Amazon
Blistex Raspberry Lemonade Blast: 10 out of 10 stars. I love this chapstick! It has an amazing smell, and it's super moisturizing. It's a SPF of 15l which is totally great. It also is a clear color, so I can wear it under other drying lipsticks and glosses without changing the color of the other product. I can't think of anything wrong with this, I would go back and buy this again for sure.
Price elsewhere: $1.70 at Walgreens
Wet and Wild eyeliner in Cool Green: 6 out of 10 stars. I got this eyeliner because even though it says that it's green, its more of a mint color, and I love mint lately. It was also only $0.50 because it came in a two pack with a brown eyeliner. It goes on pretty smoothly, but it has a metallic sheen to it which I don't really like. I'm more of a matte person.
Price elsewhere: $4 on Amazon
MILANI crystal lip gloss: 8 out of 10 stars. I got four of these. These glosses legit smell like Butterscotch. It's super amazing, I love it. Again though, I'm a matte person, and these are very shiny. They also have glitter, which makes them hard to wear. The pigment though is amazing, and I just can't get over the awesome butterscotch smell.
Price elsewhere: $6 on Amazon
MILANI Bella Eyes Gel Powder Eyeshadow in Bella Cobalt: 7 out of 10 stars. The thing I went into the store for. I really like it. I would have wanted a darker or more neutral color, but the only thing left was blue. Shows you how many other people went in there for the same thing! The pigment is really nice, and it spreads well. A little glittery for my taste though.
Price elsewhere: $5 on milanicosmetics.com
My Price- $13
Original Price- $50.90
Friday, June 3, 2016
Premier poste
Hard Candy Fast and Fabulous translucent finishing powder- $6
ELF Belle Beauty Book/Bronzer- $37.50
Hard Candy Eye Shadow Primer- $5
E.L.F All Over Color Stick in Persimmon- $3.99
Clinique perfectly real compact makeup-$27
PALLADIO eye shadow quad- $9
L'oreal Paris super blendable blush in precious peach- $10
Ben Bye lip pencil in plum rose- $5
Katy Kat Matte lipstick in CRIMSON CAT- $9
Sally Girl mini eye pencil - $0.69
Music Flower long wear Gel Eyeliner- $4
Truly yours by Rue 21 lip gloss- $2
Wet and Wild contour brush- $1
E.L.F lipstick brush- $1
E.L.F eyelash curler- $1
Sally's blender- $10
Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara $16.50
Ruth Anna's outfit
Arizona Jeans Bermuda Shorts- $38
Sofra blessed tank top- $30
claires turquoise earrings- $12.50
H&M Divided green cardigan- $17.99
American Eagle sandals from Pay Less- $15
Emma's outfit
Merona red top (lookalike)- $15
Rue 21 jeans- $8
Etc! flats-$3
This was a really fun shoot. (This is Emma by the way :D) We'll be doing weekly posts, trading on and off from one another until we can get together and do a combined shoot like this one. I'll be doing fashion that is as inexpensive as possible but still cute, and Ruth Anna will be doing makeup and fashion shoots as well. :)
Hey it's Ruth Anna! I'm going to be doing weekly/biweekly posts on here with Emma, and I'll also be doing the makeup for our photo shoots! I'm going to try and keep the makeup as inexpensive as possible, but I'll add in a couple of more high end brands just to show you how they work.
Once or twice a week we'll put up reviews of products and clothing stores, our OOTD, beauty DIYs, makeup and clothing hauls... And if anyone wants to see anything new on here, just leave us a comment and we'll try it out!
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